Silvestica 2 Green Forest Sverige AB


Silvestica 2 Green Forest Sverige AB

Silvestica 2 Green Forest AB, Sweden 100 %

Board of directors
Niklas Ringborg (chairman)
Håkan Brodin
Rickard Lehmann
Roland Persson

Operative management
CRK Forest Management AB (CRK) manages and administers Silvestica 2 Green Forest Sverige AB.
See operative management »

Forest holdings on a map
To see Silvestica 2’s forest holdings in Sweden, please go to the web map.
Click here for map »

Acquisition of forest properties in Sweden

Roger Johansson

Phone: +46(0)70-686 18 22


Forest management and Environmental certification
The forests are FSC® and PEFC certified which means that forestry management is carried out with due respect for the environment and in accordance with the certification systems’ criteria.
Fore more information – see Forest certification »

Forests owned by Silvestica 2 are FSC® certified within Skogscertifiering Prosilva AB groupcertification scheme with licence SAI-FM/COC-010734. ( FSC-S-7950-Silvestica2GFAB.pdf )

Forests owned by Silvestica 2 are PEFC™ certified within Skogscertifiering Prosilva AB groupcertification scheme with licence PEFC/05-22-19. ( S-7950-PEFC-Silvestica2GFAB.pdf )

Prosilva AB

Persson Invest Skog AB are responsible for operational forestry measures on the holding in Sweden.
Head of management at Persson Invest Skog, Anders Molander
Phone: +46 63 57 41 12

Opinions and any complaints about Silvestica’s forestry operations are submitted to the responsible forest manager for the current geography to which the opinion relates. The forest manager is responsible for receiving and handling incoming comments. If you are not satisfied with how your point of view has been met, you have the opportunity to turn to Silvestica’s country manager or Forest Certification Prosilva. It is also possible to contact Prosilva directly if you particularly wish to do so.

Forest management and Environmental certification
The forests are FSC® and PEFC certified which means that forestry management is carried out with due respect for the environment and in accordance with the certification systems’ criteria.
Silvesticas 2 forests are FSC® certified within Skogscertifiering Prosilva AB groupcertification scheme with licence FSC-SCS-FM/COC-00153G. ( S-5457-FSC-Silvestica.pdf )
Silvesticas 2 forests are PEFC certified within Skogscertifiering Prosilva AB groupcertification scheme with licence PEFC-1700081. ( S-5457-PEFC-Silvestica.pdf )