Silvestica 2 Green Forest Latvia SIA


Silvestica 2 Green Forest Latvia SIA

Silvestica 2 Green Forest AB, Sweden 100

Janis Jurkans (Chair)
Kristiana Luse
Roland Persson

Operational management
CRK Forest Management AB (CRK) manages and administers Silvestica 2 Green Forest Latvia SIA.
See operational management “

Acquisition of forest properties in Latvia

Normunds Bērziņš

Phone: +371 2 93 72 735


Forestry and Environmental Certification
The forests are certified, which means that forestry is conducted with the necessary environmental consideration according to the criteria of the certification systems.
For more information – see Forest Certification “

Forest development Southern Latvian branch (Syd Latvijas filiale) is responsible for the operational forestry measures.

Person responsible for forest management issues:

Reinis Jatnieks
Phone: +371 299 193 85